Thank You Mr. Davis

I’m not one of those people who broadcast every second of every day on social media. I don’t feel the need to brag about my amazing husband of  just over 5 years or kick-a$$ kids every day. However, This is going to be one of the few times I gush.

As I have shared, I have a husband named Aaron and he is 14 years my senior! “Oh Mylanta!!!” You say? No, not really. He doesn’t look or act like he’s “LEVEL 48” haha. In fact here…

He’s a sexy, ginger-bearded,very distinguished gentleman who has an old school love for Adidas sneakers, music, our kids, and ME!! DUH! Our life is interesting to say the least l! We are a blended family of six and there is always something going on. Usually church, soccer, basketball, horseback riding, or baseball. I am probably missing something in there. All of that on top of working 50+ hours a week, he takes on quite a bit. Having been at his company for over 20 years, his responsibilities at work but has gotten very good at leaving the mess and stress of it at work. There was a time when that wasn’t quite the case. Thank the Lord things have changed.

He loves different and I love the way he loves. To give you a good example, his proposal was pretty unique. We had just finished watching Terminator, the latest one I think,and I get up to use the bathroom. I come out and he’s standing in the living room, gives me a hug, and stops and says , “you know I’m not really romantic but I love you very much.” The rest was a bit of a blur but he proposed right in the living room and here we are. Definitely learning a lot about doing life together, compromise, sharing fears and concerns, and showing love. Being married is amazing, hard, scary (I shook the entire way down the aisle), rewarding, and beautiful. So, I wanted to post an open love letter to my husband. I write better than I can speak sometimes and the latter is a work I progress.

“Mr. Davis ❤️   I love you more than you could ever know or I could ever say. You make my heart full and happy. I love you for so many reasons I don’t think I will ever be able to get them all down. So instead I want to say thank you. Thank you for putting up with me; moody, emotional, stubborn, messy, goofy, crazy, impatient me. Thank you for helping me keep my foot down when I need to with the kids or lighten up when I need to. Thank you for support and encouragement as I looked for my heart in my work. Thank you for working so hard. Thank you for making me smile when I really don’t want to sometimes. Thank you for offering a different perspective even when I don’t want to hear it or see it. Thank you for taking us all on. Yes I said that. Thank you for immediately loving my kids as your own. I think that’s my favorite thing.  Thank you for showing me real love; your kind. Thank you for your goofy, interesting, out of the box way you love me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

P.S. I like your beard😏 ”

I am so glad he’s mine. His latest was that he wrote “I am Groot” with a heart and an arrow through it on our whiteboard in the kitchen!

I love you too Mr. Davis!

Where is she now?


I was just standing in the kitchen and this was my view. I’ve been cleaning and even managed to make some brownies! FROM SCRATCH!! But my view made me think of how my Saturdays used to be and those shows they’d do about stars you haven’t seen in years. Long long ago, about 10 years, I had more money in the bank, no kids arguing over sidewalk chalk, less laundry to do, more me time or should I say just me time, happy hours (and hours and hours) that turned into long nights with good friends. Those days are gone but not forgotten and I don’t really miss them as much as you might think.
I have kids to referee,  dog to corral,  cleaning, mountains of laundry, a husband and I love everything thing about it! I get to pow wow with my girls once in a while and it’s almost always long overdue. We all have beautiful families  and we are sharing and doing life together.Weekends are busy and weeks will be soon too with baseball and karate. When I finally sit down on days like today and get settled on the couch with my husband and maybe even a glass of wine, I smile because I know everything has fallen right into place!! My life with my family isn’t perfect but I love it and I’m happy!